
Every Pet Deserves A Good Home…

Single Black Female – a must read

Single Black Female

This has to be one of the best singles ads ever printed. It is reported to have been listed in the Atlanta Journal

Love the response this ad got!!

SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks male companionship, ethnicity unimportant. I’m a very good girl who LOVES to play. I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, camping and fishing trips, cozy winter nights lying by the fire. Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand. I’ll be at the front door when you get home from work, wearing only what nature gave me…. Call
(404) 875-6420 and ask for Annie, I’ll be waiting…


Over 150 men found themselves talking to the Atlanta Humane Society. Winking smile

The shelters are overflowing with pets who need temporary foster homes and forever homes… If you have the room in your home and the love in your heart… please adopt just one (or two) more pets. 

And if you are able, support rescues and shelters and if you know of someone who is financially struggling, help them to keep their pet.

Also, please join the fight to change laws and restrictions and to make it possible for shelters to allow homeless and battered individuals and families to take their pets to the shelter with them.

Checkout SoftPaws… The Purrfect litter!!.. Easy, Healthy for your Pets and Economical even with shipping costs… Lasts up to 2-months before needing to be changed

A portion of each bag of SoftPaws purchased is donated to a rescue or shelter.

July 30, 2012 Posted by | Adopt Just One More Pet, animal behavior, Animal Rescues, animals, Dogs, Dogs, Fostering and Rescue, Help Familie Keep Their Pets, If Animlas Could Talk..., Just One More Pet, Man's Best Friend, Pet Friendship and Love, Pets, Political Change, responsible pet ownership, Stop Euthenization | , , | 1 Comment

Now dogs Have a Food Truck of Their Own With Bow-Wow Chow

Austin’s food truck scene isn’t just for humans anymore. Bow-Wow Chow, a mobile food truck for dogs, officially opens for business on July 28 at Auditorium Shores, 920 W. Riverside Drive. The truck — which has been making trial runs around town since June — features baked treats for canines.

Folks in canine-loving Austin might not often think "This town needs something just for dogs." But that’s what went through Lara Enzor’s mind one day last fall when she was passing through one of the city’s many food trailer courts. She saw trucks offering tacos, Indian food and various culinary mashups for humans and nothing for our four-legged friends. That spark of a thought became Bow-Wow Chow, Enzor’s food truck that caters just to dogs, which Enzor says is a first for Austin’s mobile food scene.

"It’s kind of like an ice cream truck for dogs," says Enzor, who encourages owners to let their dogs come right up to the counter window for their treats, which come in minimal to no packaging to lessen the environmental impact. A single treat — all natural, preservative free and locally made in Austin — with a bottle of water is $1, three treats are $2 and the best-selling six-pack is $3. The Elvis special ($2) comes with one peanut butter treat, one banana treat and a water. Enzor also is offering a limited number of VIP leash tags for $10. Good through the end of the year, the tag can be used to get a treat when you don’t have any cash in your pockets.

"If the dog’s happy, the employee’s happy and everybody’s smiling," says Enzor, who already has a proven entrepreneurial record, having worked for several large pharmaceutical companies before opening her own business monitoring pharmaceutical trials.

Enzor, who grew up in Abilene and has a biology and chemistry background and degree, trusted her gut as she turned thought into action. In December, she found a former snow cone truck for sale in Florida on eBay and Craigslist, and she bought it sight unseen because she trusted the sound of the owner’s voice on the other end of the phone. Despite having 100,000 miles on it, the truck "is a pleasure to drive and purrs like a kitten," Enzor says.

She didn’t have to do much to the interior, which was already outfitted with sink, storage and even a freezer (she’s working with Groovy Dog to add ice cream to the menu). She sold most of the snow cone equipment — she kept the commercial hot dog machine, a hit at a recent party — and with the help of Full Moon Design, she had the exterior tricked out to reflect the new business. Her inspiration? Scooby-Doo’s Mystery Machine. Yes, she wants people to smile and laugh when they see the truck parked or driving down the road.

Two of the dogs on the truck’s cheery and colorful design were inspired by Enzor’s own 15-year-old fox terrier, Dottie, and Penny, a 3-ish miniature pinscher adopted from Austin Pets Alive. Rescue groups also are part of Enzor’s business plan, which is built on community and giving back. A portion of every sale goes to APA, and she plans to rotate the beneficiary group by month. Interested rescue groups can contact Enzor through her website (http://bow-wowchow.com), on which she also wants people to post photos or videos of their dogs at the truck.

So far, Enzor and her two employees have had the truck at Norwood Estate dog park on Saturday mornings and at dog meetups and other special events. "We’ve been so well-received," she says, "and we have some regular customers already."

Bow-Wow Chow had its official launch party at Auditorium Shores yesterday, on Saturday July 28th, after negotiations with the city, Enzor was granted a one-week permit to park at the popular dog-gathering spot.  Enzor plans to have the truck there from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day that week. Then she’ll see where the truck will go next.

"Wherever there’s a gathering of dogs, we would like to bring the party to them," Enzor says.

h/t to the Statesman


Food Truck Caters to Austin Dogs

The local food truck scene isn't just for humans anymore. Bow-Wow Chow now caters to canine clientele.

For those that want to bake their own biscuits:

Gourmet Doggie Biscuits

For those of you who have always been curious as to how to make dog treats at home for your pet here is a basic recipe to get you started. With all the dog food & treat recalls that have caused severe conditions and even death; it is nice to know what is going into your pet. It is also a great gift for your pet friends!!


3 1/2 cup all-purpose (or unbleached) flour
2 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup cornmeal
1/2 cup skim milk powder
1 tablespoon (or 1 package) dry yeast
3 1/2 cups lukewarm chicken or meat broth (about 2- 15oz cans)

1 egg beaten with about 2 tablespoons water (for egg wash)


Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Grease cookie sheets.

Mix together all dry ingredients.

Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm chicken or meat broth. Let yeast broth mixture set 10 min. Then stir in flour mixture until a soft dough is formed. If the dough is too sticky you can add more flour.

Roll resulting dough out 1/4″ thick. Cut dog biscuit shapes from dough. Put scraps back in bowl and re-roll out until all dough is used.

Brush biscuits with egg wash.

Bake on greased cookie sheets at 300 degrees for 45 min.

Then turn off oven and leave in overnight to finish hardening.

Makes 60 medium-sized biscuits**

Storing Dog Treats
In general you should store dog treats the same way you would homemade people cookies. That being said, there are two main variables that determine storage time – the amount and type of fat in the recipe and your local weather conditions. If your recipe uses fats such as butter, or meat bits or juices then it will be more prone to rancidity than a recipe that uses some vegetable oil or shortening. Your treats may mold or spoil much faster in humid or very hot climates.

Refrigeration and Freezing – Refrigeration will prolong the life of more fragile dog treats. Make sure to store in a tightly sealed container or zip lock bag. You can also freeze most treats in zip lock freezer bags. Allow to thaw completely before use.

Below are a couple “Goodie” questions from the ASPCA Poison Control Center Hotline Answered by Their CVT’s and Drs.

I have a Great Dane and a Weimie, and as strange as it may sound, they love gummy bears—stale gummy bears to boot. I end up using them as bribes sometimes, but never overindulge. They never get more than one a day. We have new puppies at our house who are five months old and only weigh about 30 pounds. They accidentally got one of the gummies the other night. Can the little bit of sugar and gelatin in the gummies hurt the pups?

Your question is not as strange as you think. I have a young daughter who likes gummy bears, and my five dogs are always fixated on her when she eats them! To answer your question, as long as the gummies are not sweetened with xylitol (which can cause seizures and liver failure in dogs), and they are not consuming more than a couple here and there, gummies are not likely to pose a poisoning risk. Of course, these chewy goodies could potentially pose a choking hazard, so do be sure to supervise your dogs and puppies when offering them the occasional gummy.

As a side note, we did manage a case where a dog became very ill and died from eating more than a pound of gummies—so please do be sure to keep these treats your dogs treasure in a secure cabinet above the counter so they do not help themselves.
—Dana Farbman, CVT

Last year, I was shopping at a pet store, and I saw some holiday treats for dogs that contained ginger and cinnamon, things I wouldn’t feel comfortable feeding them. I also saw they’re coming out with chocolate treats for dogs—are they safe since they are made for dogs? Thanks.

In small amounts, these treats are likely to be safe (even chocolate). Some “chocolate” dog treats actually contain carob, which is safe. If these treats make you uncomfortable, I would stick to “traditional” pet treats.
—Dr. Eric Dunayer


July 29, 2012 Posted by | Animal or Pet Related Stories, animals, Dogs, Dogs, If Animlas Could Talk..., Just One More Pet, Man's Best Friend, On The Lighter Side, Pet Friendship and Love, pet fun, Pet Nutrition, Pets, Unusual Stories | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Tribute to man’s best friend


"Nuff said…."



Dogs are the most loyal animals on earth
Dogs were created to bring love, happiness
And companionship into people’s lives (and
Are always there to help)
clip_image016[4] clip_image001[5]





I received these photos from a gal who worries about the dogs in her area. She wrote, “A dog is a man’s best friend but I know a couple of brothers here where I live that will kill a dog on sight, just because they are the asshole’s from Hell. My county sheriff (in a rural county… in the cities it is the shelters and groups like PETA that kill dogs in unbelievable numbers as well as some out of control police departments)protects them as though they are some kind of saints regardless of the law against the indiscriminate killing of a dog. 

It is time that we stand up from man’s best friends and all creatures against people like this and get the laws changed. Stand-up animal lovers and activists against those who are the real animals!!  Let us also remember that abuse of any kind is all related.  Animal abusers are or become, child abusers, spousal abusers, elder abusers and bullies of all kinds, even serial killers, who generally begin abusing animals.  JOMP~

“Anyone who hasn’t known the love and devotion of an animal has missed out on one of God’s greatest gifts to us.”  Deonia Copeland

Related: Military dogs euthanized as ‘equipment’ under cruel law

July 26, 2012 Posted by | Adopt Just One More Pet, Animal and Pet Photos, Animal Rescues, animals, Dogs, Dogs, If Animlas Could Talk..., Just One More Pet, Man's Best Friend, NO KILL NATION, Outreach for Pets, Pet Abuse, Pet Friendship and Love, Pets, Political Change, responsible pet ownership, Service and Military Animals, Stop Animal Cruelty, Stop Euthenization, Toughen Animal Abuse Laws and Sentences, We Are All God's Creatures, Working and Military Dogs and Related | , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

This is the Russian Black Terrier

"‘Stalin’s Dogs’ Join Russian Army"

Red Star kennels mixing a bunch of different breeds to produce the Russian black terrier, now in training for duty with the Russian Army, again a UNIQUE ANIMAL NOT SEEN IN WESTERN DOG-LOVING CIRCLES! For a time even the very existence of this dog was a state secret unknown to the "west"?

"The black Russian terrier, which was produced from a mix of about 20 breeds such as the Giant Schnauzer, the Rottweiler, the Newfoundland and the Caucasian Ovcharka. The breed has been available to Russian pet lovers since the 1950s, though it remains rare outside the country."


That giant Alsatian dog, the German shepherd always thought to be the ideal war dog able to perform military service in the most desirable manner no longer seen as so perfect?

That malinois breed for instance used by French and now American military units that incorporate dogs into the TO&E.

A major consideration being a canine that if necessary can be picked up and carried by one man, the handler!

This too a consideration with the Russian black terrier?

The Russian and prior to that the Soviet military NEVER slavishly copying or imitating the western model but rather devising their OWN solutions, according to their estimate of the situation and criteria they deem as important.

This is Roy!
Military Analysis:
Here from the Red Star Kennel web site the full and complete [?] story of the Black Russian terrier.
The war dog of choice for first the Soviet and now the Russian military.
The product of Red Star Kennels very selective breeding program.
[Red Star at one time providing prodigious numbers of guard dogs for the GULAG? This might be so. Dogs chosen and bred for viciousness and needed in enormous numbers during the time of Stalin!]
The Black Russian terrier a mix of various breeds carefully chosen for specific traits and characteristics that would make for a good war dog.
NOT necessarily a KILLER but a war dog able to perform a variety of functions vital to a military effort. But NOT a vicious killer, that is clear.
That original Giant schnauzer stud dog Roy mixed with with a rottweiler.
The final mix of Black Russian terrier resembling the schnauzer, rottweiler, airedale.
A dog large in size, about 100-120 pounds, a minimum of fifty Kilograms, NOT a dog easily carried as is the Malinois.
That Black Russian terrier guard dog, a sentry dog, a mine detecting dog, and perhaps an attack dog able to KILL on command [?].
Appear to be a shaggy hairy dog that is not suited for hot climates? That is what the appearance is to me.
A dog definitely requiring:
* A strong alpha master. You must dominate this dog and not the other way around.
* Lots of grooming.
* Lots of exercise.
[Dogs of all creatures so studied when at a pace, running, the only animal becoming stronger the further and further it runs.
Man and horses not able to compete over such a long distance as the dog. Dogs not having sweat glands and panting to dissipate heat but able to pursue a prey as not other animal can!!]
Puppies now available in the U.S. but I would have to think for for persons ONLY that know to handle and care for a dog.

The Russian military will begin employing a breed of dog created in the Red Army kennels in the mid-20th century and known in English as “Stalin’s dogs,” a military spokesman said on Thursday.

Some 20 black Russian terriers were among the batch of dogs that entered training at a kennel in the Moscow region, the spokesman said. Some 450 dogs are in training at the center, he said.

The dogs will be trained for guard, rescue and even mine detection duties, the spokesman said.

The Red Star Kennel, which is at the heart of the training center, was established in 1924 and has produced thousands of service dogs, many of which were used in World War II.

It has also bred more than 10 new breeds, including the black Russian terrier, which was produced from a mix of about 20 breeds such as the Giant Schnauzer, the Rottweiler, the Newfoundland and the Caucasian Ovcharka. The breed has been available to Russian pet lovers since the 1950s, though it remains rare outside the country.

July 24, 2012 Posted by | animal behavior, Animal or Pet Related Stories, Dogs, Dogs, Just One More Pet, Man's Best Friend, Pets, responsible pet ownership, Service and Military Animals, Working and Military Dogs and Related | , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

New Parasite Prevalence Maps Help Pet Owners Prepare

 Dr. Becker at Dr. Mercola.com

Story at-a-glance
  • The Companion Animal Parasite Council now provides online maps pet owners can use to see if the area they live in or plan to visit has parasite problems. The maps are a good tool to find general information about the presence of parasites in counties and states across the country. But they shouldn’t be used as a tool to scare pet owners into subjecting their animals to a barrage of potentially toxic chemicals.
  • The best way to protect pets from parasites is not to put them on monthly, year-round preventive drugs. Under certain circumstances, chemical preventives may be necessary, but they should not be used indiscriminately. They carry side effects like every drug, and their overuse is contributing to the problem of parasite resistance to these preventives.
  • No matter what parasite preventives you use, including chemical agents, your pet can still attract pests and parasites. In fact, even animals loaded with chemicals to the point of toxicosis can still acquire parasites.
  • Do all you can to avoid parasites, relying on natural preventives as much as possible, and then have your vet run a SNAP 4Dx test every six months to check for the presence of heartworm and tick borne diseases, as well as a stool sample to check for GI parasites.

The Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) has redesigned its website1 for pet owners and now features a set of maps you can check for information on parasite prevalence in a specific area.

If you’re only interested in heartworm disease, you can select your state from a drop-down menu on the right side of the home page to see the infection risk for your state. If you’d like more extensive information, you can view the entire U.S. map.

If you choose the second option, you can find out the risk for several different diseases for dogs and cats individually, by state. The maps include infection rates for:

  • Tick borne diseases (Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis)
  • Intestinal parasites (roundworm, hookworm and whipworm)
  • Heartworm

You can also click on a state and see infection rates for individual counties, then hover your mouse over a county to see its name.

According to Dr. Christopher Carpenter, executive director of CAPC, "Our unique parasite prevalence maps provide localized statistics about diseases that affect dogs and cats in consumers’ backyards, and we update them monthly."

Keep Your Pet Safe from Overuse of Parasite Preventives

I think these maps are useful for pet owners looking for general information about the prevalence of a certain disease in a certain location. The intent of the maps is to "… help drive clinic visits," according to Dr. Carpenter, because "People respond to and appreciate it when experts share pertinent information."

He goes on to say that CAPC hopes veterinarians leverage the maps "… to strengthen client relationships and consistently ‘tap consumers on the shoulder’ with facts that underscore the risk of parasitic disease that exists everywhere."

Since the Companion Animal Parasite Council is sponsored by a "Who’s Who" list of major veterinary drug manufacturers, I think it’s safe to assume the real intent of the maps is to get pet owners to buy into the belief that every dog and cat in the country should be on parasite preventives year-round.

And while I agree pet owners appreciate learning information pertinent to the health of their furry family members, I think it’s extremely irresponsible of veterinarians to encourage the overuse of parasite preventives. These drugs, like all drugs, have side effects.

Just because a drug is used as a preventive doesn’t automatically put it in the category of "better safe than sorry." This is a lesson the traditional veterinary community is slowly learning about vaccines. Every single thing we put into or onto an animal should be carefully assessed to insure its benefits outweigh its risks.

And keep in mind that even pets loaded down to the point of toxicosis with chemical preventives still frequently wind up with pests and parasites. There is no absolutely foolproof method for keeping every single pet protected from every single pest.

Around this time last year I saw my first dog patient with Lyme disease AND heartworm disease – conditions she acquired while taking a monthly, year-round heartworm preventive drug AND a spot-on flea/tick preventive prescribed by her regular vet. This is a good illustration of the ineffectiveness of some of these drugs, as well as the fact that parasites are growing resistant to them because they are being overused.

Preventing Tick Borne Diseases

  • In the spring, summer and fall, avoid tick-infested areas.
  • If you live where ticks are a significant problem, check your pet for the little blood suckers twice each day. Look over his entire body, including hidden crevices like those in the ear, underneath his collar, in the webs of his feet, and underneath his tail. If you find a tick, make sure to remove it safely.
  • Use a safe tick repellent like Natural Flea and Tick Defense. If you live in a Lyme endemic region of the U.S., your veterinarian will probably recommend you use a chemical repellent. Remember: it’s important to investigate the risks and benefits of any medication before you give it to your pet. Natural repellents are NOT the same as toxic preventives … they are not a guarantee your pet won’t be bitten by ticks….they only reduce the likelihood of infestation. So frequent tick checks are really important.
  • Create strong vitality and resilience in your dog or cat by feeding a species-appropriate diet. Parasites are attracted to weaker animals. By enhancing your pet’s vitality, you can help her avoid the ill effects of a tick borne disease.

Preventing Intestinal Parasites

  • Puppies and kittens can get intestinal parasites from an infected mother – either across the placenta or from their mother’s milk.
  • Beyond that, most pets acquire intestinal worms by eating infected poop. So the best way to prevent infection is to make sure your pet’s environment is clean and ‘feces-free.’ Pick up your pet’s poop and make sure she doesn’t have access to infective feces from wild or stray animals around your property or anywhere else outdoors.
  • Whipworm eggs in the environment are extremely resilient and resistant to most cleaning methods and freezing temperatures as well. They can be dried out with strong agents like agricultural lime, but the best way to decontaminate a whipworm-infested area is to replace the soil with new soil or another substrate.
  • Keep your pet’s GI tract in good shape and resistant to parasites by feeding a balanced, species-appropriate diet. I also recommend either periodic or regular probiotic supplementation to insure a good balance of healthy bacteria in your pet’s colon, as well as a good quality pet digestive enzyme.
  • Have your vet check a sample of your pet’s stool twice a year for GI parasites.

What You Need to Know About Heartworm Disease Prevention

According to heartworm preventive dosing maps, there are only a few areas of the U.S. where dosing your dog with 9 months to year-round heartworm medicine might be advisable. Those locations are in Texas and Florida, and a few other spots along the Gulf coast. The rest of the country runs high exposure risk at from 3 to 7 months. The majority of states are at 6 months or less.

Preventives don’t actually stop your dog from getting heartworms. What these chemicals do is kill off the worm larvae at the microfilaria stage. These products are insecticides designed to kill heartworm larvae inside your pet. As such, they have the potential for short and long-term side effects damaging to your canine companion’s health.

To reduce your pet’s risk of exposure to heartworms, control mosquitoes:

  • Use a non-toxic insect barrier in your yard and around the outside of your home.
  • Don’t take your pet around standing water. Eliminate as much standing water as possible around your home and yard by cleaning your rain gutters regularly and aerating ornamental ponds and decorative water gardens.
  • Stay out of wet marshes and thickly wooded areas.
  • Keep your pet indoors during early morning and early evening hours when mosquitoes are thickest.
  • Make liberal use of a safe, effective pet pest repellent like my Natural Flea and Tick Defense.

If You MUST Use a Chemical Heartworm Preventive …

If you live in an area of the U.S. where mosquitoes are common and you know your pet’s risk of exposure to heartworm disease is significant, here are my recommendations for protecting your precious furry family member:

  • With guidance from a holistic vet, try using natural preventives like heartworm nosodes rather than chemicals. Make sure to do heartworm testing every 3 to 4 months (not annually) as natural heartworm preventives can’t guarantee your pet will never acquire the disease.
  • If your dog’s kidneys and liver are healthy, try using a chemical preventive at the lowest effective dosage. This could mean having the drug compounded if necessary for dogs weighing in at the low end of dosing instructions. Give the treatment at 6-week intervals rather than at 4 weeks, for the minimum number of months required during mosquito season.
  • Remember, heartworms live in your pet’s bloodstream, so natural GI (gastrointestinal) dewormers, such as diatomaceous earth, and anti-parasitic herbs (such as wormwood and garlic) are not effective at killing larvae in your pet’s bloodstream.
  • Avoid all-in-one chemical products claiming to get rid of every possible GI worm and external parasites as well. As an example, many heartworm preventives also contain dewormers for intestinal parasites. Remember – less is more. The goal is to use the least amount of chemical necessary that prevents heartworm. Adding other chemicals to the mix adds to the toxic load your pets’s body must contend with. Also avoid giving your pet a chemical flea/tick preventive during the same week.
  • Follow up a course of heartworm preventive pills with natural liver detox agents like milk thistle and SAMe, in consultation with your holistic vet.
  • Always have your vet do a heartworm test before beginning any preventive treatment. A protocol I put in place in my clinic last year is to run a SNAP 4Dx blood test every 6 months on dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors during warmer weather. The 4Dx tests for heartworm and tick borne diseases. Because parasites are becoming resistant to overused chemical preventives, the sooner you can identify infection in your pet, the sooner a protocol can be instituted to safely treat the infection with fewer long-term side effects.

References:  1 Pets and Parasites

July 22, 2012 Posted by | Animal or Pet Related Stories, Animal Related Education, animals, Dogs, Dogs, Holistic Pet Health, Just One More Pet, Man's Best Friend, Pet Friendship and Love, Pet Health, Pets, responsible pet ownership | , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

A Dog’s Purpose – Out of the Mouth of Babes

Boy and His Dog

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog’s owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn’t do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker’s family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker’s transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker’s Death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives.

Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, "I know why."
Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me.

I’d never heard a more comforting explanation. It has changed the way I try and live.
He said, "People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life — like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?"

The Six-year-old continued, "Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay as long."

Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:

  • When loved ones come home, always run to greet them;
  • Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride;
  • Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy;
  • Take naps;
  • Stretch before rising;
  • Run, romp, and play daily;
  • Thrive on attention and let people touch you;
  • Avoid biting when a simple growl will do;
  • On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass;
  • On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree;
  • When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body;
  • Delight in the simple joy of a long walk;
  • Be loyal;
  • Never pretend to be something you’re not;
  • If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it;
  • When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently…


Are Our Pets Spiritual Assignments

‘Dogs Have The Intelligence of a Human Toddler’

Tails of Love

GoD and DoG

Dogs and Heaven

On the First Day God Created the Dog!

Until One Has Loved an Animal, Part of Their Soul Remains Unawakened

My Goal in Life

The No Kill Movement

Dedicated to All Those Humans Who…

Dog Says Grace

Meredith and Abbey… A Beautiful Soul at the Post Office

Rainbow Bridge

July 20, 2012 Posted by | animals, Dogs, Dogs, If Animlas Could Talk..., Just One More Pet, Man's Best Friend, Pet Friendship and Love, Pets | , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Minneapolis to Host Internet Cat Video Film Festival

abc cat piano 090522 main Minneapolis to Host Internet Cat Video Film Festival

(Image Credit: ABC News)

Who hasn’t watched a cat video or two online? For those who have, there’s a new film festival that promises lots more fluffy fun.

Walker Art Center in Minneapolis will host the first-ever Internet Cat Video Film Festival. The hour-long event will take place at the prestigious museum’s Open Field Aug. 30, and organizers are seeking submissions.

Video: Surprised Kitty (Original)

Among them are sure to be some viral favorites, such as Surprised Kitty, which had more than 63 million views on YouTube as of Monday; Cat Mom Hugs Baby Kitten, which had more than 49 million views, and Little Kitten So Tired, which had more than 9.6 million views.

Video:  Little Kitten So Tired. Cutest vid ever!!!

And who could forget Keyboard Cat, the video that launched the whole phenomenon? The clip of Fatso the cat playing the keyboard has been viewed more than 25 million times on YouTube.

Video: Charlie Schmidt’s Keyboard Cat! – THE ORIGINAL!

Writing on the museum’s blog about the event, organizer Katie Czarniecki Hill says, “I could not be more excited to literally bring this solo cat video viewing behavior out in the open.”

She invited people to “LOL in the presence of others,” and promised that, in addition to the clips that have already made the rounds online, attendees will “discover new favorites in this carefully curated series of cat videos.”

See Maru – Greatest Hits Part I

Click HERE to nominate your favorite cat video, or videos. The nomination process closes July 30.

July 19, 2012 Posted by | Animal and Pet Photos, animal behavior, Animal or Pet Related Stories, Just One More Pet, On The Lighter Side, Pet Events, pet fun, Pets | , , , | Leave a comment

Dead Dogs Voting for Obama

(WND)Voter fraud is the big issue that may decide the outcome of this upcoming election.

Obama_dog-275x275[1]In Seattle, Wash., last month, Brenda Charlston received a voter registration form in the mail from the Voter Participation Center with all the blanks filled in for “Rosie Charlston,” her black Labrador who died in 1998.

The Obama supporting center says it has mailed some 5 million forms using commercially available databases to target Democratic-leaning groups such as unmarried women. What did they use in the Brenda/Rosie mailing? The dead dog mailing list?

In June, in Buford County, Va., Tim Morris received a filled-out voter registration form for “Mozart Morris” addressed to “Mo,” his dog that passed away two years before. Again, the form came in the mail from the Voter Participation Center.

In Bernalillo County, N.M., an anonymous Republican registered his dog as a voter at a voter registration booth at the University of New Mexico to show how easy it would be to defraud the system. Election officials claim they followed the law and referred the case to state prosecutors for criminal investigation of the dog owner!

Election officials throughout the country report a surge of voter registrations from animals, dead people and noncitizens.

Republicans believe Obama is depending on these registrations to win the election and want laws requiring voter ID at the polls. Democrats charge that Republicans are trying to suppress the vote to increase the odds of a Romney win.

This Democrat charge formed the basis of a lawsuit by Obama’s Department of Justice to block a Texas law that requires voter photo ID to vote. Texas is one of 26 states with such laws.

The DOJ claimed the requirement would bar eligible voters from voting and that the cost of getting the proper ID amounted to a “poll tax.” The Texas law provides for a free state ID to anyone lacking a driver’s license or other photo ID.

A study by a DOJ expert produced a long list of Texans who lacked government-issued photo ID and, it was alleged, were thereby disenfranchised. The list and the study were a fraud.

The list turned out to contain the names of 50,000 dead people, 330,377 seniors who can vote by mail without ID, 261,887 voters who included a driver’s license number on their voter registration form, 800,000 Texans who were, in fact, registered to vote and who did have a government issued photo ID.

The list also contained the names of Texans with U.S. military ID (acceptable for photo ID to vote), former Texas residents who had moved to other states, disabled voters who were exempt from the Texas photo ID law and noncitizens.

Strangely, the list of those who “lacked government issued ID” included former President George W. Bush, two state legislators and the wife of another, former U.S. Sen. Phil Gramm, current U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and even the Texas director of elections, Keith Ingram – who was listed not once but twice!

However, even the Texas attorney general has yet to find the names of any dogs, living or dead, on the list.

Obama’s DOJ also went after Florida for passing a similar law. It seems that Obama voters who were dead, felons or noncitizens would not get to vote.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott ordered county election officials to examine the integrity of the voting rolls. In the first review, the names of 83,000 dead people were discovered still registered to vote.

The dead deserve representation given the estate-tax debate, but the law does not yet allow them to vote.

DOJ also objected to Florida’s insistence that felons be barred from voting.

Noncitizens were also found on the voter rolls, and Gov. Scott fought to get access to the federal Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements, or SAVE, database. SAVE will allow Florida to purge the voter roll of noncitizens.

In a strange, parallel world, the Obama Agriculture Department requires ID on every cow, and now on every chicken, on every American farm.  Guess they will be voting now also via proxy?!?

Obama wants to trace the movement of farm animals but not illegal aliens; he wants to ID every farm animal to protect the public health but does not want to ID voters to protect the integrity of elections.

With the memory still fresh that the 2000 presidential election was decided by a handful of voters in Florida, the determination of who gets to vote in 2012 could decide who will be the next president.

I wonder how many Fifis, Busters, Princesses, Samsons, Angels, Apachis, Bouzers, Angelinas, Killers, Preciouses, Merlins, Annabelles, Buddys, Cocos, Beaus, Tinkerbells and Spikes, etc. are voting?  But not to worry… we don’t need voter ID and there is no voter fraud going on…  So just move along and close your eyes, there is nothing to see here…

July 17, 2012 Posted by | Animal or Pet Related Stories, animals, Dogs, Dogs, Just One More Pet, Man's Best Friend, Pets, Unusual Stories | , , , , | 5 Comments

Goat Surfing


Two goats named Goatee and Pismo are wowing California beachgoers with their surfing skills.

The goats’ owner, Dana McGregor, says he taught his goats to surf because he loves to ride the waves and thought they would like it too.

The goats stood on surfboards and cruised along the water on Wednesday at San Onofre State Beach, as bystanders watched in amazement.

Goatee, a nanny goat, and her billy goat, Pismo, even rode waves together. But after a few rides, Goatee swam to shore.

McGregor says he got Goatee originally to eat unwanted plants on his property.

He began taking the goat to the beach with him, eventually putting her on a surfboard.

McGregor says he started putting Pismo on a board shortly after he was born in March.

Video:  Goat Surfing Could Be Big

July 15, 2012 Posted by | animal behavior, Animal or Pet Related Stories, animals, Just One More Pet, Pet and Animal Training, Pet Events, pet fun, Pets, Unusual Stories | , , | 2 Comments

Sears now adds bestiality to its website

Along with explicit nudity, one-time family store kicks it up a notch


WND: In the past, Sears in its online store has offered a wide range of nudity, from pornographic videos such as “Curse of the Pink Panties 2″ and “Hot & Exotic” to “art posters” such as one that revealed four couples with arms and legs intertwined who appear to be wearing nothing but each other and some foamy waves.

Now the store that once served as an American icon for families has kicked its offerings up a notch, featuring bestiality in its latest round of promotions.

The situation has been documented by officials with the American Family Association. (Be aware that the link contains proof of Sears’ offerings with explicit images).

“Last year, Sears promised to stop selling these type products,” AFA said in its alert to constituents about the problem today. “In our subsequent monitoring of sears.com, AFA found that Sears resumed selling sexually explicit products.”

In a statement by the AFA, officials said, “Along with explicit nudity, Sears now adds bestiality to its website.”

The statement continues, “After our last Action Alert in May, Sears assured AFA it was updating filtering equipment and enforcing strict guidelines to prevent sexually explicit products being available on their websites.

“AFA took Sears spokesman at their word and … we shouldn’t have. Sears made the same promise in 2010. They broke their word then too.

“Less than two months after Sears’ latest promise on May 2012, the pornography has returned,” the organization said.

Explained AFA, “But that’s not the worst of it. Sears also sells books on bestiality and zoophilia. Titled ‘Dearest Pet, On Bestiality’ and “Bestiality and Zoophilia: Sexual Relations with Animals,’ these books are ‘how to’ manuals for people who want to have sex with animals.”

The warning continued, “I don’t want to be too graphic, but they contain descriptions, drawings and sketches beyond belief.”

The family organization said technology allows Sears to “remove and stop selling these products within minutes, if company executives want to. … Unless Sears hears from you, the company will continue to sell hardcore pornography…”

The web page lists a telephone number for Sears Chairman Edward Lampert and asks supporters to call. There also are options for sending an email or calling local store managers.

WND reported in 2010 when the company offered a poster with four nude couples. The poster image was highlighted by the theme: ‘Safe sex is hot sex.’ Another revealed two topless women embracing, wearing only the skimpiest of shorts, and a model who appears to be wearing some water and a small sponge.

As a former Justice Department official whose research on the detriments of pornography led 7-Eleven to stop stocking Penthouse and Playboy, Judith Reisman, author of “Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America,” has studied extensively how pornography impacts the brain.

She has said, “Decades of hard science confirm millennia of observation that despite our individual genes, what we see – like how what we eat and drink shapes our bodies – affects our brains and our physical and mental health.”

Edited and cropped! Image of “10 Sex Starved Babes” offered earlier by Sears

WND later reported when Sears offered the explicit videos. The AFA fought the company over those, too. The organization reported it ordered one of the explicit products, and it was delivered in a Sears package with no check on the age of the person ordering it.

July 13, 2012 Posted by | animal abuse, Animal or Pet Related Stories, Animal Rights And Awareness, animals, Dogs, If Animlas Could Talk..., Just One More Pet, Pets, Stop Animal Cruelty | , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments