
Every Pet Deserves A Good Home…

Pets Being Left Behind to Starve by Their Families

Ill Have An Everything

By AskMarion

Many or us have pets that have lives like the one above.

But far too many have sad, horrible and unthinkable lives.

First there is the group of crazies and sickos, the abusers, who abuse animals, children, their mates, the elderly and anyone who comes in contact with them.  That group, in my opinion, should never be allowed to own an animal and should receive punishment equal to the crime(s) they commit.  And offenses committed against animals should get the same punishment as like crimes against humans.  Abuse is abuse and abuses know now bounds or limits.  If you suspect abuse, please report it or intercede.  Better to be wrong than look the other way and find out you were right later.

And then we come to the less obvious abusers, equally cruel and growing in number!  They are the selfish, often young people, who think animals are toys and fashion accessories; the owners you give their pets up because they no longer fit their needs or into their lifestyle; and finally the worst who are those who leave their pets and animals behind to starve and die a cruel death… without food, water and in all alone. (In my perfect world the last group would left to die in the same manner that they left the helpless creatures that were in their charge… should have been part of their family.)  And many of these heartless people leave their family pets behind, rather than finding them a new home or least taking them to a rescue or shelter or calling animal control and allow their children to see (or realize) their parent’s cruelty.

We are all God’s creatures and you can bet that these people will pay later, but it is each or our responsibilities to help prevent these situations and report and abuse or potential abuse.

There are three types of people:  Those who love animals and take care of them until their natural passing as if they were part of their family, family members; those who like animals, treat them well but not like family members, but always to at least the right thing for the pets and animals in their charge; and then there are the abusers which include the ‘emotionally disabled’ who leave their pets and animals to die instead of finding them a new home or help.

Why not advertise or ask around for people to adopt your pet?  Why not take them to a shelter or a rescue?  Why not call Animal Control?  And worst of all why leave them tied up or locked in a house where the can’t leave or escape without food or water. (BTW that is illegal, inhumane and surely will guarantee you a spot in Hell!?!)

Please join the fight to prevent, stop and intercede in all types of cruelty and abuse and better yet if it is suspected and can be prevented in advance, sound the alert.


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Humane Society list of pet financial aid-related organizations

The “ex”-Middle & Upper Class Homeless

A Patchwork of Food Assistance for Pets

American Humane: Help us continue to offer Foreclosure Pets Grants.

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Homeless California Chihuahuas Being Flown Out of State

Rachael Ray donates $500,000, food to Sandy pets



Rachal Ray donated $500.000 to help animals affected by hurricane Sandy and 4 tons of Nutritious food for them.

November 18, 2012 Posted by | Adopt Just One More Pet, Animal Abandonement, animal abuse, Animal or Pet Related Stories, Animal Related Education, Animal Rescues, Animal Rights And Awareness, animals, Dogs, If Animlas Could Talk..., Just One More Pet, Man's Best Friend, NO KILL NATION, Pet Abuse, Pets, Political Change, responsible pet ownership, Stop Animal Cruelty, Stop Euthenization, Toughen Animal Abuse Laws and Sentences, We Are All God's Creatures | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments