
Every Pet Deserves A Good Home…

The HAPPY Act (HR 3501) in Process – Pet Tax Credit Introduced by Congressman Thaddeus McCotter (R – Mich)

TAX Credit for PETS! Support THIS Measure and Rep McCotter!

If the Video does not come up of play click here:  The Happy Act

According to the 2007-2008 National Pet Owners Survey, people love pets especially their own, which probably explains why 63 percent of US households have a pet.  For many pet owners, happiness is pets.

Pets also provide health benefits for their human.  Studies have shown that pets can lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, reduce stress, sniff out diabetes and cancer and provide companionship to ease feeling of loneliness.

In fact, the Human-Animal Bond has shown to be so beneficial to people’s emotional and physical health and happiness that Congressional Representative Thaddeus McCotter (R, MI) has been inspired to introduce a bill (HR3501) to amend the Internal Revenue Code to deduct pet care expenses.  The Act is know as the “Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Year Act” or HAPPY Act.

If the HAPPY Act passes, pet owners would be allowed to deduct qualified pet care expenses such as pet products and pet services, including veterinary, that are related to the care of the qualified pet up to $3500.

To get this bill to pass, pet owners need to contact their Congressional Representative.  Contact can be made by phone, letter or email just let them know you are in favor of HR3501.

House of Rep Switchboard – 1-202-224-3121


visit: www.house.gov/writerep

Posted:  Just One More Pet –  Cross Posted:  Marion’s Place

August 26, 2009 Posted by | Animal or Pet Related Stories, animals, Fostering and Rescue, Just One More Pet, Pets, Political Change, Success Stories | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

California: Puppy Mill Bill to be voted on by Senate this week. We need you! ~~ Please Call Your State Senator: Yes on AB 241 ~~

ASPCA Urgent Alert

Dear California Advocates,

The California Responsible Breeder Act of 2009 is moving quickly toward becoming state law—the Senate is expected to vote on it as early as this week. It is crucial that your senator votes YES on this humane legislation that will help crack down on puppy mills.

If passed, the Responsible Breeder Act will limit the number of intact animals that large-scale breeding facilities are permitted to own. With this law on the books, law enforcement will finally have the authority to put an end to inhumane, overcrowded conditions at puppy mills.

Similar legislation limiting the number of dogs who may be kept by commercial breeders has already passed in Louisiana, Virginia and Washington. You can help California be next!

What You Can Do

We all hate puppy mills. This is your chance to really do something about them—call your state senator’s office today to urge him or her to vote in favor of the Responsible Breeder Act (AB 241).

Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center to find your senator’s phone numbers and to let us know you called.

Thank you, California, for joining the battle against puppy mills.

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Posted:  Just One More Pet

August 26, 2009 Posted by | animal abuse, animals, Just One More Pet, Pets, Political Change, responsible pet ownership, Stop Animal Cruelty, We Are All God's Creatures | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment