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Dog Killers Convicted For Murdering Navy Seal Hero’s Beloved Companion

Marcus Luttrell, a highly decorated Navy Seal and author of “Lone Survivor,” is still hurting three years after the murder of his beloved Yellow Labrador, DASY, by a group of thugs in Texas.

Today, Luttrell has received some measure of closure, as two of the perpetrators who shot and killed his beloved companion have been sentenced to prison time.

Luttrell, a true American hero who was the lone survivor from his fire team after an insurgent attack in Afghanistan, took the stand Thursday in the “cruelty to non-livestock animals trial” of Alfonso Hernandez, one of the two accused in the case.

Hernandez was found guilty of a state felony by a Walker County jury.

Marcus Luttrell

Another suspect, Michael Edmonds, pleaded guilty to the same state charge two days prior and admitted he was the one who fired the shot that killed DASY.

The night of the killing in April of 2009, Luttrell said he “heard a single gunshot, grabbed his pistol and ran next door to his mother’s residence to check on her. He then made his way down to the roadway, crawled underneath a fence and saw DASY had been shot.”

“I saw my dog in a ditch and two men standing outside the car,” Luttrell said, with his new service dog by his side on the stand. “I could hear them laughing.”

Law enforcement officers eventually caught up to the car with Luttrell’s help.

“I wanted to take a shot at the driver, but I figured if I missed and shot out the back window, I would not be able to catch them,” he added.

DASY given to Luttrell by friends to help him cope with the emotional and physical injuries he sustained while fighting in both the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters as a Navy Seal. She was by his side in Texas for four years.

Her name is an acronym of the initials of Luttrell’s team members who were killed in the firefight he described in “Lone Survivor.”

Edmonds and Hernandez, who was charged as an accomplice, will have to wait for a pre-sentence investigation to be conducted before a punishment is handed down, which is expected to take place in February, according to the Huntsville Item.

The charges carry a maximum sentence of up to two years in a state facility and a $10,000 fine.

Here is a clip from 2009 in which Glenn Beck interviews Luttrell, who tells the story of his beloved canine companion’s murder, including his gut-wrenching statement that “I consider that dog like a daughter to me:”

Video: Marcus Luttrell’s Dog Murdered by Punks in Texas (April 5, 2009) PART 1

Uploaded by che10967 on Apr 7, 2009

On April 5, 2009, four teenage males approached Luttrell’s property and fatally wounded his dog, Dasy, with a .357 Magnum revolver at approximately 1 A.M. Each letter of the name "Dasy" represents one of the fallen members of his team. She was given to him in recovery to help him through rehabilitation. Luttrell proceeded to track the individuals through four counties in his truck until Texas Rangers apprehended the individuals. Upon arrest, the suspects verbally threatened Luttrell’s life and taunted him. Alfonso Hernandez was arrested on-scene and charged with animal cruelty whilst Michael Edmonds has not yet been charged.

Today on Glenn Becks show, he had former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell on to talk about what happened to him last week. You see it seems some dumb-ass punks were driving the Texas countryside, summarily executing dogs.

Marcus chased these punks over four counties, and he nearly shot the driver. Finally the Rangers caught up with these punks in Huntsville, TX and the idiots in handcuffs were laughing about it. They said they would also kill Marcus. Do these douchebags not know about Marcus?

Dickhead Alfonso Hernandez was charged with Cruelty to Animals and is facing up to two years in prison, and dickhead #2, Michael Edmonds, is currently on the run.

Source:  The Blaze

Related: Teen Punks Murder American Hero’s Dog

Sample Comments:

  • What impresses me even more about this American hero is that he didn’t shoot them. He is a better man than I am for having the ability to restrain himself & not shoot them. Just an amazing man. He is the true definition of a man too. I wish him & his wife all the happiness they deserve.
  • As another dog lover, that story of Marcus’s chase of those dog killers was beyond believe, when Glenn told it and played the 911 tapes etc.
    I wonder why it took so long to get justice for Dasy.
    It’s not like there was any question of what they had done. It’s too bad Marcus didn’t catch them before the law got them stopped. I’m sure he would have provided a little justice of his own, and very well deserved.

This article does not give the actual sentence, too bad. It seems killing dogs is going out of fashion since Vick was sent away, but now he’s an adored hero for throwing a football around for millions each year. I will never forget or forgive Vick.

  • These Bastards killed one of his friends, a family member of a man who served to keep us free… who were willing to give it all.  The dog herself served in her own way and these leaches, who only take, killed her. 
  • Whatever sentence they got was not enough… It never is.  Remember the gal who cooked her friend’s kitten alive? She face a 10-year Sentence. She only got 1-year.  These people virtually always go on to be serial abusers of spouses, children, other pets and animals and to some degree most people they encounter.


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December 4, 2011 - Posted by | Animal or Pet Related Stories, Dogs, Dogs, Just One More Pet, Man's Best Friend, NO KILL NATION, Pets, Political Change, Success Stories, Toughen Animal Abuse Laws and Sentences, We Are All God's Creatures, Working and Military Dogs and Related | , , , , , , , , , , , ,


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