
Every Pet Deserves A Good Home…

Dogs dressed as famous people

Came across this the other day…

When pets and celebrities meet…

Corgi Dr. Spock and Charlie Chaplin

Che and Mr. T

Mother Teresa and Dame Edna Everage

Bob Marley and Amy Winehouse

Michael and Albert   {Jackson and Einstein]

Borat and Winston Churchill

John Wayne and Elvis

Chairman Mao and Tommy  [tommy the guinea pig, or dog unknown!]

So there you have it, a few famous people as pups, or is it pups as famous people???


Kaley corgi kisses!!!…… So who am i?

Source: This Blog Rules – Cross-Posted at Sanan Pups and Just One More Pet

October 11, 2011 - Posted by | Animal and Pet Photos, animals, Dogs, If Animlas Could Talk..., Just One More Pet, On The Lighter Side, pet fun, Pets, Unusual Stories | , , , , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. Tommy Cooper. British comedian famous for wearing a fez. He died on stage 😦

    Comment by Karen Birnie | September 14, 2012 | Reply

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